Saturday, October 11, 2008

India Festival Gift Ideas Unleashed

Think of festivals and mithai (sweets), chocolates, gifts, shopping, celebrations fill us with enthusiasm. Next you find yourself wondering what gifts to buy, where to buy from, who to give what, and exactly how much to spend. Suddenly a boring mathematics replaces the enthusiasm.

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Sanjay said...
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Sanjay said...

hi Sanjay here... tho they are ideal gifts (really attractive & mouth-watering) for the festival, I'm not too sure how well they would serve as a corporate gift this season… being a diabetic myself, I always fear the temptation of diwali sweets for my counterparts… any other corporate gift ideas for Diwali?

Jimmy said...

I think it is very easy.....chocolates and sweets are the easiest to choose from but if you use a little discretion and think what might be of value to the person receiving the gift, the equation changes! Bottom-line, keep the receiver in mind while deciding on gifts be it at a corporate level or for family and friends.

Sanjay said...

i'm back... i was up late last night browsing the net for some ideas on gifts... also spoke 2 a few frnds of mine who work with HR, to see if they were willing to let out a few of their incentive secrets... n one gr8 idea that stuck is mp3 players.. ipods!... n she also referred me to this site -
where i can order online... n if i r'ber right she also mentioned somethin about personalisation, though i'm quite interested to see how they gonna do that.